The Official Website of the
Iota Nu Mu International Professional Fraternity

for the Advancement of Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Ancient Greek and Roman Studies, Molecular and Cell Biology, Integrative Biology, Music, and other Subjects

About Us

Iota Nu Mu, commonly known as INM, is an international collegiate co-op fraternity.
Founded in University of California, Berkeley in 2021, it is the first internet-subculture fraternity in the United States. Rather than being a social fraternity, its objectives and memberships are aligned more closely to a professional fraternity.


Our Mission

Iota Nu Mu establishes belongings for international students and first-generation immigrants mainly from the mainland of China who are obsessed with certain subcultures and aiming to achieve a high Grade Point Average. It also aims to provide value-driven brotherhood experiences through life for students with different cultural backgrounds, who because of their cultural backgrounds do not know about the American fraternity system.

Where do our members end up?

As a fraternity with a strong focus on academic excellence and personal development, most of the members of INM joined places where the majority of students could only dream of.

Harvard University


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Biological Engineering

Yale University

Applied Physics

Princeton University

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Stanford University

Electrical Engineering

Duke University


University of Texas at Austin

College of Fine Arts

Arizona State University

Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

Splunk Technology

Product Manager Director


Principal Engineer

ICE Detention Center, Golden State Annex

Inmate # 1145141919